Canton Footprints

Book coverThe Chinese American Council of Sacramento sponsored a very ambitious research book project in 2001. After eight years of oral history interviews, research and organizational development led by historian Phil Choy and CACS board members Doug and Karun Yee, CACS published Canton Footprints, Sacramento’s Chinese Legacy.

This book focuses on historical relationships between the US and China, immigration and migration, personal stories of hardships and triumphs and the undefeatable spirit of the Chinese who settled in Sacramento.

CACS printed 3,000 books and sold more than 2,400. As part of our community outreach philosphy, we are contacting colleges who have Asian studies, Sacramento schools and libraries, and other Asian historical societies to give them a copy of our book. They may purchase additional copies at a discounted price, by contacting Karun Yee.

CACS wants to express its sincere thanks to those of you who have purchased the book for your contribution to CACS.