CACS Foundation President
CACS President
Greetings, Members and Friends of the Chinese American Council of Sacramento!
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Chinese American Council of Sacramento and the CACS Foundation, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and well in your isolated location because of the current terrible pandemic situation. CACS is adjusting to the times by updating the website ( with current information regarding the Corona virus and other pertinent topics of interest to you. Because some information publicly distributed may be erroneous or inaccurate, we try to vet our sources before posting. Nevertheless, please feel free to contact us if you’ve any questions or comments!
As you may have noticed, all public gatherings and events have been cancelled or rescheduled and travel except for essential trips for medical or food kept to a minimum. This is another adjustment CACS is making for your safety and that of the community by cancelling its annual Gold Mountain Celebration dinner and other events such as Annual Fashion Show and Operation Santa Claus. The CACS tribute and induction of the late Lina Fat into the CACS Hall of Fame will be deferred to the 2021 Gold Mountain
Celebration event.
Yes, we will continue to be aware of AAPI culture, history and social justice; nevertheless, priorities are very different now and CACS needs to focus on the more immediate needs of our constituents and the community. We are distributing food and essentials to the needy; and support first responders and health professionals who care for the sick and elderly. We are also supporting nonprofit organizations that are very hard pressed financially. CACS will keep you apprised of changes to its policies of support and involvement.
The CACS Board members have been discussing alternative means and methods of communication that will enable us to carry out our respective missions. Presentations via virtual meetings and video are being considered, the CACS online newsletter and email will continue to be our main vehicle for distributing information to you, and Facebook postings are being made regarding special community announcements.
A very sincere thank you to our generous sponsors and loyal supporters for your past donations and participation! Please continue to send in your memberships and contributions; our work continues on your behalf!
With Sincere Best Wishes for Your Safety,
Cathy Wei
CACS Foundation President
Alex Eng
CACS President