The new era of Honorable Frank Fat’s legacy lives on! The formation of the CACS Foundation and the CACS Council is working well.
My thanks to Board member and Secretary Keith Johnson, who, through his experience, expertise, and infinite patience, has been guiding us through this period of adjustment. His efforts to ensure that we adhere to the guidelines required of the two organizations has been no small challenge!
Many thanks to Honey Lum, Cathy Wei, and Joyce Eng for their leadership for the last two years; and to the continued loyal support of you, our CACS members as we negotiate these unknown waters!
The Council welcomes, Aubrie Fong (Staff, Assembly member Kevin McCarty), Harry He (Elk Grove Democrats), and Douglas Hsia (Locke Foundation) into its ranks! We look forward to your new perspectives and vitality!
Under the guidance of advisor Kim Tucker (Impact Foundry) the rebuilding of the Council looks very promising! Kim was the moderator for the 2019 Council Retreat and will be following up in the following months.
Please check on the CACS website (cacsweb.org) periodically for the latest news on our progress and the latest word on what is going on in the community.
Warmest Regards,
Alex Eng, 2019 President