I am proud to share with you that your CACS organization showed its support to our Sacramento Asian community by supporting the Asian Resources Lunar New Year fundraiser last month. We are also supporting APSEA (Asian Paci. c State Employees Association) by sponsoring a $1000 scholarship to a deserving college-bound high school student from the Sacramento community. I am happy and proud to share with you that our very own Linda Ng, CACS’s treasurer, is being honored with the Community Service Award at the APSEA Scholarship Dinner on April 24.
Congratulations Franc Martinez for receiving the CACS Member of the Year award for 2011-2012. Franc has been helping CACS with its many programs continuously since 1998 and the larger Sacramento Asian community for the past 20 years. I wish I could give each of our CACS board members an award because they work tirelessly to make CACS continue to be a great and successful organization that we can all be proud of. As always, if you have any suggestions or thoughts, please feel free to contact me at home (916) 392-8524 or [email protected].
Dr. Kingman Louie, 2012 CACS President