Dear Friends and Community Partners:
Gung Hay Fat Choy and Sun Nean Fay Lok! Welcome 2018 and Year of the Dog! It has been an exciting 30th Anniversary year for the Chinese American Council of Sacramento (CACS) and we thank all the community partners, sponsors and supporters for your generous contributions to expand our programs; see featured story in this newsletter.
On January 20th, I participated in the Women’s March in Sacramento with over 30,000 people in attendance and started the march with City Mayor Darrell Steinberg, City Manager, Howard Chan, and Police Captain, Norm Leong, at the Southside Park. The march proceeded to the State Capitol and I stayed to experience the uplifting speeches and performers who represented diverse community groups. Not only was the march recognizing women issues; many men and children came to support the social issues magnified by the National leadership such as the immigration policies affecting “Dreamers”.
On January 30th, CACS participated at the Capitol Legislative Reception hosted by the Asian Pacific Islander Public Affairs Association at the Sutter Club which was attended by over 200 elected officials and guests. Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de Leon received the Civic Engagement award, Senator Jim Nielson received the Lifetime Achievement award, and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon received the Civic Engagement award.
Members will be attending the 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad Inaugural Banquet at the California Railroad Museum on February 13th and the APAPA Shining Stars Gala on April 7th to support their Internship program at the State Capitol. I hope you will enjoy many of the special events for the Lunar New Year and eat the tasty foods symbolic of harmonious life. Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Year!
Honey Lum, President
Chinese American Council of Sacramento