Dear Friends and Members,
Happy Lunar New Year and I welcome you all to the year of the Ram – my Best Wishes to you and your families for a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!
This year is truly historic and significant because of our Chinese contribution in California history. On Jan. 5, I attended the oath of office for Betty T. Yee, State Controller, and John Chiang, State Treasurer. The ceremonies took place at the historic ballroom at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento. This is the first time in California history that two Chinese were elected into constitutional offices in our great State of California. That day, I also attended the inaugural ceremony for Dave Jones, State Insurance Commissioner, at the Sacramento Central Library, and the eventful day concluded at the California Railroad Museum attending Gov. Jerry Brown’s reception. The end of the day is just the beginning of what is planned to commemorate two historic events honoring the pioneers who built the foundations for the 100-year anniversary of the town of Locke and the 150-year anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad.
At CACS, we are delighted to welcome Anne Luong, of the Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center, to the Board. Her experiences with the Sacramento community will greatly benefit our goals for youth development and after-school programs.
Our Board will continue to cultivate collaborative partnerships with Asian Pacific Islander and other organizations to educate the community about Chinese culture and heritage. Since the last newsletter, the Board supported these programs: Care for Kids, Operation Santa Claus, and Scholarships to support the Asian Pacific State Employees Association, Asian Pacific Islander Public Affairs Association, and the Sacramento County History Day. We extend our outreach to support My Sister’s House and other community programs related to youth development, anti-bullying awareness, and Chinese languages and culture.
I thank the CACS Board, members, sponsors and volunteers for the past year and for remembering their generous contributions to support the CACS programs. In October 2014, CACS inducted County Supervisor Jimmie Yee into the Frank Fat’s Hall of Fame and presented Maeley Tom with the Frank Fat Founder’s award at our Gold Mountain Celebration. The GMC story and others events that CACS attended during the past months are featured in this newsletter. I hope you enjoy the pictures also!
I look forward to meeting you at our future events.
Honey Lum, President