It’s been an exciting 2016 . . . CACS congratulates our very own Directors Joyce and Alex Eng in receiving the Community Service Leadership award from the Asian Pacific Islander Public Affairs Association (APAPA) on May 7 at the Grand Sheraton. Both deserve this recogniton for outstanding contri-butions to the Northern California area for over 28 years of community service and leadership. Today, they unselfishly mentor CACS board directors while serving and balancing support to other non-profit organizations that enrich the lives of many through civic and social engagement.
I am pleased to welcome Vaneesa Lam to our CACS Board. An Asian Studies major from UC Berkeley, she has studied at Peking University and been involved with the Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce. Her passion is to educate the public about Asian culture and her background is aligned with CACS’s mission in preserving Chinese Culture. Her story is featured in this newsletter.
This year is a Presidental election year where there are many issues that will affect public policy and we encourage you to educate yourself before exer-cising your votes in November. CACS will be at the Voter’s Education Forum at CSUS on Saturday, Sept. 24, to educate and learn about the current election topics.
On Oct. 7, please join CACS at the Annual Gold Mountain Celebration at Asia Pearl as we award California State Treasurer John Chiang the Fank Fat Founders award and present the Sacramento Asian Sports Founda-tion (SASF) the Community Service Award.. The Honorable John Chiang and the SASF have contributed im-mensely to California. I look forward to meeting you at our GMC and thank Anne Luong and Karun Yee, Co-Chairs, for planning this event. These proceeds benefit our cultural and educational programs to develop youth and promote leadership.
On behalf of the Board, we thank the following community organiza-tions who included the CACS in their programs, and have contributed to our mission to educate and promote future leaders. We reciprocated in financial and other support to Asian Resources on Jan. 26; Sacramento County His-tory Day on March 5; Sacramento Mayor’s Town Hall Discussion on April 18; APSEA Scholarship Gala on April 19 with a $1,000 Scholarship; APAPA 12th Annual Capitol Intern-ship & Scholarship Gala on May 7; OCA Dragon Boat on May 12; Pacific Rim Street Festival on May 14; Locke Spring Festival on May 21; and the Mandarin Immerson Program on May 27, where CACS donated $1,000 to the Chinese language program at Wil-liam Land Elementary school.
Many thanks again to our dedicated Board, Advisors and wonderful vol-unteers for their continued hard work to support CACS! I hope you enjoy the Summer and have a safe journey. Please let me know if you have ideas for CACS by reaching me at (916) 261-2118 or at [email protected].
Very Best,
Honey Lum, President