The Board of Directors are very excited as we plan for 2006 with our upcoming Membership Dinner, our annual Dinner/Author Lecture, a planned field trip for all our members, Care for Kids Project and many other upcoming activities.
We’ve added two new board members this year, Dr. Wesley Yee and Dr. David Young (Pharmacist) and possibly two other potential board members may be joining us in February.
The success of any non-profit organization is through our membership, volunteers, and sponsors. I hope you will get involved with CACS this year and join us on March 23, 2006 at King’s Restaurant in West Sacramento. I look forward to meeting you and to encourage you to be more active with CACS.
Joyce Eng, President
Retiring President’s Parting Message
Additionally, we have contributed $500 each to the Tsunami Relief and Hurricane Katrina Relief Funds. CACS is also a major supporter of CAPITAL, SCCSC, My Sister’s House, and many other deserving organizations.
How is it that we can take on so many ambitious programs? We owe much of our success to our generous sponsors, hardworking volunteers, and loyal members. These people are the life blood of an organization like CACS. I’m asking you to support our work in this community by first renewing your membership.
Then get involved by volunteering in some of these events. We are so privileged to live in this wonderfully diverse city. We really are obligated to give something back. I encourage everyone to make a New Year’s resolution to volunteer in some way to make Sacramento an even better place to live. If you are interested in helping, just phone Joyce Eng at (916) 424– 1374.
Dr. Douglas Yee