Gung Hay Fat Choy & Sun Nien Fay Lok! I welcome you all to the Year of the Wood Horse – My Best Wishes to you and your families for a very Happy, Prosperous, and Healthy New Year!
On behalf of the CACS Board, I thank Past President Alex Eng for his leadership during this past year. We have accomplished the strategic action items under his leadership planned for the year and with an ending balance & positive cash flow!
We are also very proud and congratulate Alex as the recipient of the Melvin Jones Fellow. This is the highest award given to a Lions Club member for Humanitarian Services by the Lions Club International Foundation. Alex continues to serve on a number of community boards and remains active on the Sacramento County Adult & Aging Commission.
I am very pleased to announce that the entire board of directors and advisors are staying on and will continue to help CACS leap forward to new horizons and programs. My emphasis will be to increase visibility with the API community and cultivate collaborative partnerships with other organizations to promote and preserve Chinese culture and heritage. I will continue to foster good well by supporting our existing programs and bringing new ideas to the Board for consideration, e.g., youth development through scholarship opportunities, health and healing workshops, and educating our members and the public about Chinese culture and heritage.
I thank our Board, members, sponsors and volunteers for the past year and for their generous contributions to support the CACS programs.
The Gold Mountain Celebration reached the highest raffle sales ever with the help of our volunteers: Laura Cates, Bella Cates (Sac County Work Experience Program), Emanuel Meneiloa, Kristin Wong and Michelle Wong (School of Engineering and Sciences – Pocket area).
I look forward to meeting you at our Annual Members and Volunteers Appreciation Dinner on Friday, March 21st at 6 p.m., at the Holiday Villa Restaurant. We will be honoring Dr. David Young for his leadership in partnering with the Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center to chair the Cares for Kids program. He purchased more than $1,500 in school supplies for two needy elementary schools in Sacramento: Caroline Wenzel and the Camellia Basic Elementary.
If you have any suggestions about CACS programs, please feel free to contact me at (916) 261-2118 or at [email protected].
Honey Lum, President 2014