Best wishes to you and your loved ones for a healthful and harmonious New Year!
On behalf of the CACS board, kudos and very sincere thanks to Past President Kingman Louie for his leadership of CACS during the past year. In spite of his many community commitments he stepped up to guide the CACS’ board during a crucial period of its history. Kingman will continue to serve on the board and provide the vital support it needs for continued success in pursuing its mission and vision; to preserve the history of the Chinese in America and to be involved with API social justice.
I look forward to a year of rebuilding, a year of reestablishing CACS position in the community and continuing its support to those in need. Sadly, we are still feeling the loss of Doug Yee, who passed away last year. Nevertheless, we will carry on his legacy of the author dinner/lectures events and supporting historical projects.
One of my priorities is to continue to distribute the CACS book, “Canton Footprints” to schools, libraries, and organizations. Several years prior to the publishing of the book, Doug and I had discussed this; the important thing is not to necessarily make a profit on the project, but to inform and educate people about the Chinese history and contributions in the Sacramento area.
Another priority to address is social issues and concerns of the community, to keep abreast of what is going on in the community at large, but more about that later… To learn more about CACS, I encourage our members to attend one of our upcoming board meetings held the 3rd Wednesday of each even month at 6:30 pm at the Sacramento Executive Airport on Freeport Blvd. Please contact me at 916-424-1374 or e-mail [email protected] if you are interested in attending one of our board meetings.
Alex Eng, 2013 CACS President