Greetings CACS Members, Friends, and Sponsors…
It is unbelievable that 2013 is coming to a close! I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for participating and supporting CACS and its projects throughout the year. Without you, CACS would not be able to fulfill its mission and serve the community.
It has been a very busy 2013 – CACS remains connected to the community by supporting a number of other CBOs and community programs by participating in their events. They included: AAJA Sacramento, ARI, APAPA, APSEA, CAPITAL, Florin JACL, My Sister’s House, OCA Sacramento, SCCSC, Locke Foundation, History Day Project, Sacramento History Consortium, and Pacific Rim Street Festival.
2013 CACS highlights (see articles in this newsletter):
- CACS welcomed five new lifetime members and eight individual members.
- July 12 – CACS hosted an exciting and educational day trip to Angel Island; 55 members and friends visited & toured the immigration center.
- September, Cares for Kids Project – over $1,500 in school supplies to two elementary schools. Kudos to Dr. David Young, the project coordinator!
- October 4 – Gold Mountain Celebration Dinner was both a financial and social success, bringing together our members and community leaders to acknowledge the Frank Fat Founders Honoree – ACC Senior Services and its CEO, Donna Yee; and to induct Mr. Philip P. Choy, author, historian, community leader, into the CACS Historical Hall of Fame. Kudos to Joyce Eng and event co-chairs Cathy Wei and Honey Lum and CACS board and volunteers!
- December 12 – Operation Santa Claus Project: CACS will be donating over $5,000 in toys for over 150 low income children. Thanks to Karun Yee and Merlayna Yee-Chin for recruiting over 22 volunteers to shop and wrap.
- I would like to extend my personal appreciation to the CACS Board for all the hard work and dedication they put in to make things happen in 2013 and to lay the foundation for the future of CACS. They are indeed special people!
A happy and safe holiday season to you and your loved ones!
Alex Eng, President