On Saturday, June 6, 2020, I joined a peaceful march in downtown Sacramento with the Asian Pacific Islander community to support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrators. The API group was fortunate to carpool with Stephanie Nguyen (Asian Resources, Inc. and Elk Grove City Council) where ARI friends provided transportation from Target/Broadway to the State Capital to meet with Senator Richard Pan and friends. Yen Marshall (APAPA National Executive Director), Bobbie Singh, Chris Marzon and his son, Amy Tong and family, joined the API group. The march started near the Golden One Center and proceeded at 7th Street to Capitol Avenue, passing along the CA State Courts Building and State Capitol. The march ended at Cesar Chavez Plaza where people gathered near the stage to listen to powerful statements, inspirational speeches and songs.
During the march, we walked along with City Mayor Darrell Steinberg and City of Sacramento Police Chief, Daniel Hahn. Many young people and families of different ethnicities came to march to show their support with BLM. The march was hosted by many groups, including the NAACP, where Betty Williams, President, spoke on stage to encourage people to vote to make a change. Many carried signs stating “Black Lives Matter” and I carried a sign stating “Asians for Solidarity & BLM”. The morning was eventful and I did not see any disturbances while marching or standing near the stage. I felt there was unspoken anger in groups present. Definitely, those folks who felt strongly about the racial tension on police brutality did come to march and we heard their messages for a better society and equality. Since June 6th, other incidents related to racial tensions caused by alleged police brutality have sparked more demonstrations, some violent, throughout the US, in larger cities. We need to standup and support social justice and peaceful demonstrations to make change. Let your voice be heard and exercise your power on November 3rd – Go Vote and Participate in public forums/committees to initiate Change for a Better Society!